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Blog: Blog2
Writer's pictureLa_Curle

The Cure for Anxiety

Luke 12:22-33

I always see ads on TV and on social media about this drug and that drug to handle anxiety and I even considered it at one point but realized that it’s only a temporary relief. Also , the majority of the time anxiety is caused by trauma in the past or putting on a facade of trying to be perfect and in control at all times. I’ve suffered from anxiety all my life followed by depression and low self esteem. It took me until I was in my third year of college to be able to look into a mirror and love what I see, more on that another post. Anyways, I had been asked by counselors numerous times if I wanted to go on medication but I always declined. Growing up Christian and still working on walking with God I realized whenever I got close to him the anxiety would just *poof* be gone. I remember not even being scared of death at all. I know in the secular world it seems strange and impossible but I serve a God that can make anything possible! I realized that my anxiety mainly stems from control now and I have to check myself now and realize that I can only control me and people are going to do what they want. God is only worried about my response. Like mentioned in the beginning take the time to read Luke 12:22-33. It provides so much comfort. I just wanted to make this quick post to say give God a chance. Put him first and see the glorious things he can do in your life. When you let go and let God.... He will never fail you and he loves you. It’s time to stop stressing over perfection and earthly things. Give it to God and follow him. He has already walked the path, you just have to follow.


*God Is Love*

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