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Blog: Blog2
Writer's pictureLa_Curle

What I Learned from A Failed Wash and Go

Ooh honey I learned my lesson that day! My wash and go turned out a HOTTTT mess and I even had the audacity to wear it to work *rolling eyes*. I’m working on a regimen of washing my hair every 3 to 4 days. This was the second wash for the week, Saturday. I always dread wash day so it takes me a couple hours of contemplating my life to get started. With that extraness, my family wanted to go shopping in a little bit. With that being said, I was down, so I tried to rush through my wash routine. KEY WORD, RUSH! First mistake! I quickly divided my hair into four sections and mixed my Moroccan red clay with ACV (apple cider vinegar). Now lately this mask has not been working for my hair but I used it anyways. My hair still felt weighed down after using which in the back of my mind I knew that would happen, I have low porosity hair so I get build up easily. So, I rushed and used baby shampoo thinking it would be less harsh. That shampoo stripped my hair soooo bad that I ended up with horrible tangled hair ☹. Then I went to use my deep conditioner and let it sit using a self-heating foil cap. Okay my hair seems a lot better at this point. I get in the shower and rinse out my deep conditioner. I was out of my favorite oil so I just used my leave in and skipped oil all together even though I had coconut oil. I went straight for my favorite hair crème pudding. After all this I shake my hair to clump my curls and onto the last mistake I made. Not drying my hair properly. If you have thick, dense, low porosity hair like mine, this is important as any other step when it comes to a wash and go in my opinion. I tried to dry it with a t-shirt for maybe 5 minutes but had to get to the store so I covered my hair with my satin scarf and let it air dry. Also, I do remember I was touching my hair a lot which is a big no no. Honestly the whole air-drying method is always a hit or miss for me and now I just try to avoid it all together. So ya’ll let’s review my mistakes.

1) If you are in a rush, just put your hair up or some other style until you have enough time to really wash your hair properly. Rushing wash day only leads to breakage and frustration.

2) If something is not working for your hair, it’s time to change to something else! I knew the clay wash was not doing anything for me and I need to really clarify with a shampoo.

a. Sub-note, pre-poo or dilute your shampoo with water if you are going to use a shampoo that strips your hair.

3) Do not skip a step in your wash routine that is vital to your hair achieving moisture and the style you want.

a. My hair LOVES sweet almond oil and jojoba oil. Even though I ran out, my hair loves coconut oil so I should have at least used that. I do believe this step may have been the top reason why my wash and go didn’t turn out how I wanted it to.

4) I should have sat under my hooded dryer for a little bit like I have been doing or do my wash and go at night and plop my hair in a t-shirt. These methods have proven to work for me so far.

5) If you do have a failed wash and go, do not get discouraged! Keep trying! I believe wash and gos are a great way for you to learn your hair and learn to love your curls, kinks, and coils.

6) If you do have a failed wash and go, it’s okay to try again the next day. That’s what I should have done instead of walking around looking a mess. *sigh* I digress.

Hope you all enjoyed my post! Look forward to your comments and see you on the next post.

Be Blessed! XOXO

Verse of the day *Revelation 3:20*

"Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends."

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