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Writer's pictureLa_Curle

*Bible Plan Review* - “Getting Past Your Past” by Harmony (Dust) Grillo


When I look up the definition it reads, “the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again”. It seems like everywhere you look there’s a “cure” or “remedy” to make you feel better instantly but without God these cures are nothing but temporary. When I look back on my life so far, I realized that I put all my trust and happiness into man, well relationships. Meaning I stayed in relationships that were not healthy for me. So, when I read the description on this bible plan, I was curious as to what I could learn about God and healing from the past. Without telling you everything the plan was about, because I strongly recommend you read this plan. The main message I got from this is, you might have been a victim of a situation that was out of your control and was not your fault at all but God wants you to get up! God will heal you from all of your pain but in order for him to do that, you have to acknowledge what hurt you by facing it and giving it to God. She mentions a couple of examples from the bible. One of my favorite stories is the story of David. 1 Samuel 17. Because David was faithful to God and knew that God would help him in the face of the giant, he defeated the giant with one rock! She also mentions the power of renewing your mind and how forgiveness gives you freedom. Also, it’s important to share your testimony! You never know who you can help with your story and how it can change how a person is dealing with something for the better.

I hope you all check out this wonderful bible plan. I will link it below.

Hope you all enjoyed my post! Look forward to your comments and see you on the next post.

Be Blessed! XOXO

Verse of the day *Deuteronomy 6:5*

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.”

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