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Blog: Blog2
Writer's pictureLa_Curle

Focused On the Wrong Things

Colossians 3:2

Do you find yourself constantly thinking about could of, should of, would of? No judgment here, I find myself doing this all the time! And when it comes to the future, oh my goodness, I can worry myself into a full on anxiety attack. As I’m walking with God I’m realizing all of that doesn’t matter. Now I’m not saying just go about your life and not try to achieve your goals or anything but why worry about the past? You can’t go back and fix them. Your are not God. I had a love one tell me this and it’s true. You have to realize that you can’t go back and you have to believe that God works all things for good for those who believe (Romans 8:28). Satan has a way of throwing your past in your face to try and get you anxious and not focused on God. Really learn the source of where the negative thoughts come from. I believe causing anxiety and depression is one of the enemies greatest tactics. Even though everyone has a phase of depression and anxiety, you cannot get stuck there! Turn to God, especially when you’re anxious about the future. See God has all the power, we cannot handle all our burdens, you have to give up your rights of what is giving you anxiety and put them in God’s ownership. He has all the knowledge. He knows and loves you even more than you do. Give him a chance. Read this and self reflect and talk to him.

Colossians 3:2


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